Digital Marketing and Consulting for Orthodontists

YouTube Marketing for Orthodontists

Get Creative. Get Noticed. Get Results With YouTube

Connect, Engage, and Stand Out

Create a Community Around Your Practice Through YouTube

YouTube marketing for orthodontists - New Patient Group
Did You Know?
  • Over 90% of GenZ start their search on YouTube or another video-based platform (Source: Forbes)
  • YouTube is now the second-largest search engine in the world. (Source: Google)
  • YouTube will surpass Google as the largest search engine in the world in less than five years (Source: Google)
  • On mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49 year olds than any broadcast or cable network (Source: Brandwatch)
  • Studies indicate that people believe information provided to them via video format provides a more personal experience than the same information told to them without video (Source: Forbes)

With over 2 billion monthly active users, YouTube is not only the second largest search engine in the world but also a social media platform that allows dental and orthodontic practices to create a community around their brand. YouTube marketing has become an essential tool for orthodontists to build trust, establish thought leadership, and foster engagement with their patients and followers.

By creating informative and entertaining videos that showcase the practice’s expertise, services, and patient experience, orthodontists can connect with their audience on a personal level, encourage them to share their own experiences and build a loyal following that can help spread the word about the practice’s brand and reputation.

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What Our Clients Have to Say

YouTube + Your Practice = Success!

How Can YouTube Marketing Help Your Practice Grow?

YouTube is the future of digital marketing and an untapped opportunity in most marketplaces. New Patient Group will coach and guide you to use this valuable resource to a distinct advantage. Custom ideas, video edits, and video optimization to impact your videos’ YouTube rankings and your positioning on Google as well. Let’s get started!

Educate & Build Trust

YouTube marketing allows orthodontic practices to educate existing and prospective patients about their services and procedures, establishing themselves as a trusted source of information.

Entertain & Engage

Publishing entertaining and engaging video content on YouTube can help you attract new patients to your practice, providing a more personal and engaging way to connect with existing and prospective patients.

Boost Google Visibility

YouTube videos can be optimized for search engines, boosting the Google visibility your practice and helping you reach a wider audience of potential patients who are actively searching for your services.

YouTube marketing is a valuable tool for orthodontic practices looking to connect with potential patients, build brand awareness, and establish themselves as trusted authorities in their field.

Experience The New Patient Group Difference

When We Say 'Full Service YouTube Marketing' We Mean It

At New Patient Group, our full-service YouTube marketing services are uniquely tailored to the specific needs of orthodontic practices. We work closely with our clients every step of the way, from strategy development to video production to ongoing optimization. Our focused expertise in this industry enables us to understand what resonates with prospective patients and create engaging video content that drives results.

Strategy Development

Developing a comprehensive YouTube marketing strategy that aligns with your goals and target audience, including video topics, formats, and distribution channels.

Video Production

We work with you to create high-quality, engaging, and informative videos that showcase your practice's expertise, unique value proposition, and personality.

Video Optimization

Optimizing YouTube videos for search engines and user engagement, including video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails.

YouTube Marketing for Orthodontists and Dentists - New Patient Group

Engagement Process

Developing a plan for engaging with your viewers through comments, responses, and calls to action, and building a community around your practice's YouTube channel.

Analysis Tracking

Measuring and analyzing the performance of YouTube videos, including views, engagement, conversions, and ROI, and using data to optimize future efforts.

Ongoing Optimization

Continuously refining and improving YouTube marketing strategies and tactics based on performance data, industry trends, and feedback from patients.

Ready to Learn More?

Let's Talk!

Let’s have a chat and learn more about your business to help customize the right services for you.

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