Inspire, Transform, and Grow Your Practice With Our Free On-Demand Video Courses
Free On-Demand Video Training Courses for Every Aspect of Your Orthodontic Practice
Grow Your Orthodontic Practice
What You'll Learn
New Patient Group has so many concepts to share and help you become the orthodontic / dental practice you’ve always dreamed of. We help clients become their best version of themselves by developing customer service, communication, and sales skills across the dynamics of the practice. NPG provides out-of-industry ideas proven to work on the consumer’s buying mindset.
As you view each video of this free course, you’ll get a taste of strategies across the consumer journey. Ideas that lead the patient to call you, schedule with you, show up more regularly, buy more frequently, and refer more new patients to you! These videos aren’t only a sample of New Patient Group concepts. They are ideas that you can immediately put into effect and see positive change in your practice.
With all of this available to you, what are you waiting for? Sign up NOW and the courses will immediately be sent to your inbox! There is no catch, just great concepts!!!
Key Concepts:

Leadership / Culture - appreciate new ways to motivate and inspire your team through collaborative learning!

Digital Marketing - watch and learn four essentials to create exceptional online content

New Patient Phone Calls - you’ll learn common and critical mistakes made on the new patient call, costing the average practice millions

Patient Experience - unique strategies to reduce no-shows and cancellations while blowing your prospective patient away

Presenting Financial Options - errors and opportunities that happen every day in the exam room financial presentation
Complete the form and receive lifetime access to all of our NPG University Free Courses to help you grow your orthodontic practice!
Real Reviews
What Our Clients Have to Say
Your Free Courses Include:
Over 4 hours of on-demand video content

Easy to use YouTube playlist

Creative ideas you can implement today
Role Play Exercises
Lifetime Access - It’s yours to keep forever
Suggestions to improve the patient journey
An online platform to organize your business and automate your training for increased revenue, more profits and less headaches.

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Let's Talk!
Let’s have a chat and learn more about your business to help customize the right services for you.